Top 10 things to do this weekend…

Top 10 things to do this weekend…

So you wake up on a Saturday and you think to yourself.. ‘what shall I do?’

Here’s a few tips and tricks to make the most of your weekend!

1. Get out & about. Getting active outdoors will allow you to get a positive injection of vitamin D (remember to wear sunscreen), vitamin D 7 exercise both are said to increase renergise you and increase your serotonin levels (happy feelings). So do something different, go for a run, a bike ride, a hike, check out the markets. Reduce your carbon emissions and get active in other ways, it may just make you feel awesome afterwards.

2. Watch a good movie. A good movie, will not only help you switch off and forget about your working week or any other worries, it may just remind you about what is important in life. Drama, romance and even action packed movies, more often than not, remind you of the bigger picture of life and what’s important…

3. Socialise = laugh. I’m walking evidence that positive interactions with friends, especially the ones that cause that belly laugh, increases your happy feelings. I believe it can also help clear your mind.

4. Plan to give yourself time. Allow yourself to do something just for you. If you spend all week rushing around working and doing things for others, it’s pretty important to give yourself time to do something for you. This isn’t selfish it is necessary!

5. Don’t drink too much. As fun as getting boozy can sometimes be, it’s not so cool the next day when you have to nurse a hangover. It’s even less fun when you waste your whole day recovering. So by all means have fun, but consider limiting it so you don’t lose half your weekend to recovery time!

6. Hang around the house in your undies. There’s just nothing like hanging around having nothing to do and nobody to worry about. This may sound strange but on hot days it’s nice to just hang out in your underpants. If they are in bamboo underpants, even better!

7. Play games. Remember how much fun it was when you were a kid, even the simplest things would make you laugh. Does being an adult really mean we have to be serious all the time? Why not, turn the tv and phones off and play a good old fashion game. It’s bound to get you giggling.

8. Good old fashion meal. Beautiful, healthy home cooked food has this amazing ability to make you feel good. It makes sense that the Sunday roast, became a good old Aussie tradition. I love this concept, yummy food, awesome company, relaxing = Sunday. A gorgeous Sunday session may be just what the doctor ordered.

9. Ice cream. Enough said.

10. You decide. You know what your favourite thing to do on the weekend is, do it!

by Dani, You & Bamboo Founder.

How to make work fun

How to make work fun

Panda’s can spend up to 16 hours playing a day! Wouldn’t it be fun to be a panda?!

My mind is programed to tell me, when I’m not working in an uncomfortable or ‘hard’ environment, being a responsible adult, or doing, at a very minimum, things that are productive, I’m not doing the ‘right’ thing.
You & Bamboo Panda
My mind often tells me that having fun, relaxing or getting excited and laughing while at work, is not actually working.

Often, I feel my working days should be harder. And it seems, it is only on the limited days, that I do have that are hard, that I allow myself to pat myself on the back say, “you’ve completed a hard day’s work, now you can relax and enjoy yourself”.

Let’s imagine…

But, let’s imagine for a minute, that my perception is off? Let’s imagine the that work should be fun, 99% of the time.

What if we’re only meant to be doing the things we love doing, because these are the activities that feed our soul?!

Perhaps my inner voice, telling me this idea of work being fun, isn’t possible, is the words of my mum, a teacher or a previous boss.

Let’s imagine my mind idea of what work should be is wrong.

I love the idea that fun should be mandatory part of the workplace. I particularly like the idea that fund, actually cause one to be relaxed, centered and clear minded.

Fun induces innovation, perhaps it was a bit of fun, that developed the idea of You & Bamboo.

Work for a panda… Is fun. Work for you and me… stuff it, let’s make it fun!